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Nov 9, 2011

The Power of Community

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've been in the game of creating my wonderful life for the last several years now, and I've only recently discovered a hugely important element, Community.  

When you think about creating the life of your dreams, how many of you think about it in terms of doing it all by yourself?  If you said yes, you're not alone.  That's pretty much the default setting for most people.  We have been taught from a very early age, that the highest mark of success is to not only make it in this world, but to be a self-made individual.  To have done it all on your own, without the help of anybody!  Fortunately, we don't live on that planet.  Here on Earth, nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, does it alone. 

Even the highest performers in the world such as top athletes, and world leaders all have support.  In fact, they have support teams.  These individuals know they can't do it alone, so they have coaches, mentors, advisers, and team-mates to support them in creating what they want in the world.  

The more quickly you are willing to embrace this, the more you can get to the business of enjoying your wonderful life.  Plus, at the very least, don't you want someone to share your success with?  I've realized I can't do it alone, and... I don't want to.

When you have a team of people who you can call on for support, a community, your life will transform.  Imagine when you need support, you actually get it, and from people who are willing and capable of giving it. One of my mentors Michael Neill, talks about it like this.  Think of something in your life that you want to create. Now, imagine that doing it by yourself is like trying to carry a canoe on your head, barefoot, down a dry river bed.  It's going to be slow, and hard, and painful, and you likely won't get there at all.  Now imagine that having a team to support you in creating what you want is like floating down a full, gently flowing river in your canoe. On this journey you get to experience ease, and joy, and beauty, and grace.  The choice is yours!

If you want to begin assembling your success team today... here's what you do:

Weekly Coaching Tip:
  1. Make a list of the people in your life that love you no matter what.
  2. Make a list of the people who are raving fans of your work
  3. Make a list of the people who know more about creating what you want, than you do.
  4. Make a list of the people who you would love to have on your support team including coaches, mentors, team-mates, brilliant minds, family, friends...etc.
  5. Now that your list is compiled, ASK these people to be on your team.  Most people never ask for support, and it's very difficult if not impossible to get the support you want and need, if you are unwilling to ask. Ask who you want, and for what you want.  If you want accountability, ask for accountability, if you want acknowledgement, ask for that, if you want a kick in the pants, ask for that.  (For more on asking see my article Clean Requests)
  6. Those who say yes, will make up your success team!(P.S. it's okay if some people are on your team and they don't know it ;-).
  7. If you are struggling to come up with a list, come join Accomplishment Coaching's 'Coaches Training Program', and you will get set up with an instant support team the likes of which you have never experienced in your life.  Please check it out... your life will never be the same.
  8. If signing up for a whole program is too much for you, please consider me as a potential member of your success team.  Contact me for a complimentary coaching session to see just how powerful the addition of a transformative coach can be for your success team.
Until next week, learn lots, live more, and love always,

Love and Light,
Coach Ty

1 comment:

  1. Great post my friend! I know you're on my team and vice versa of course. For everyone else reading this maybe looking for a sign, someone to reach out to, something that will be the difference maker, Ty's coaching may just be the most valuable thing you ever take the chance to commit to. :) Not sure where I would be without him on my team!


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