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About Tyler

Hi, my name is Tyler Thurman, and I'd like to share with you a bit about my journey.

 Either keep reading for the text version, or watch the video below to hear me tell my story.

Coach Ty's Story

I am a Transformative Coach, and I have made my life about supporting others to have much more wonderful lives.  The mechanism behind that is... drum roll please....   The Truth! It turns out that when we see even a little bit of the spiritual truth behind this physical life, our lives transform.

 My life transformed in 2012 when I got a deeper glimpse of our spiritual essence and the roles that Mind, Consciousness and Thought play in creating our experience of life. I experience more peace, love, and joy than I ever thought possible.  My relationships, business, health, and relationship to Spirit have all gotten more wonderful, much simpler and much easier.  Navigating life doesn't seem so scary, and most days looks pretty fun. All because I know I'm operating from a fundamental truth that my essential self is unconditional and invulnerable love.  I have, and we all have Innate Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing! Nothing that happens in this physical world can do damage or even blemish that truth that exists in every single person.  We are children of God, and yet we have forgotten that. I have begun to wake up to that... at least a little.

Now, let me tell you, it wasn't always this way for me. Although, I grew up in a wonderful home with a loving and supportive family in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.  I did well in school, and sports, and most things I set my mind to.  But for all the external success, I was mostly miserable.

I was incredibly shy, insecure, anxious, and afraid.  I was terrified of what other people would think of me if I made a mistake or messed up in life, so I did my best to avoid anything truly challenging, or risky.  My life got really small, and I had almost no close friends.  I was afraid to talk to women and ask them out on dates.  I was afraid to admit to people that I didn't know things at work or in school, so I had to find out in round about ways.  I was afraid to appear stupid, so I mostly worked an attempt to avoid people learning the truth about me.

What was the truth about me?  The truth... or so I thought at the time... was that I was broken.  I was a fundamentally flawed human being that would never amount to much, and would certainly never be happy on a consistent basis.  I was doomed to live a life alone, and lonely because letting people get close would mean them learning this terrible, horrible "truth".

As my life continued to shrink, I came up with all sorts of coping mechanisms, and attempted solutions to my being a flawed person.  I first went after external success and accolades.  I tried to win all the time at sports, so that people would think I was a better person.  I got straight A's in school so that people would think I was smart and not stupid.  I became a fitness expert so that I could have a really attractive body, so that people would love me more and I wouldn't be rejected as much.  I smiled a lot so that people would think I was a happy person and want to be my friend.

I tried a lot of different things, but none of those strategies for external success lead me to a more wonderful life.  Sure it looked pretty good on the outside sometimes, but as you have probably begun to see, that is not the source of a wonderful life. I was looking in the wrong direction.

It was my third year at the University of Oregon that I bumped into the worlds of Psychology, self improvement, self-help, and pop spirituality. I was thrilled at the prospect of working on my self on the inside, because it gave me hope for a better experience of life.  I became so enamored with these fields that I I became a trained practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as well as an Ontological Coach.  I studied psychology, and read all of the self-improvement books I could get my hands on.  I was addicted.

I had made my life about fixing what was broken on the inside, and even worked professionally to help people as I was attempting to work on myself. I immersed myself in Meditations, and Affirmations, and Re-Programming my thoughts, and healing past hurts.  Anything that occurred to me like it might help fix my scared, insecure, broken self... I tried. This went on from about 2006 through 2012.

It all came to ahead not long after I finished my coaches training program, where I had a massive breakdown.  I realized with absolutely clarity, that for all of the work I had done on myself... I still felt miserable inside.  I was devastated because I had just admitted that my life's work up to that point had failed me personally.  It was then that I gave up on fixing myself.  If I couldn't fix myself with years of effort and study, then I didn't think it was possible.

And it was in the coming days and weeks that a miracle happened(in my eyes at least).  I began to have insights about the nature of the human experience.  Insights about how we experience life, and who we really are underneath our thoughts and feelings.  The two catalysts for those insights were a book called A Course In Miracles, and a field called The Three Principles.  The content from these two sources remains the foundation of all the work that I do to this day.

Both the Course, and the 3P's, seemed to be pointing very clearly to the truth.  We feel our thinking; and yet we are not those thoughts and emotions. They are simply transitory experiences.

We are all of us, this beautiful unconditionally loving, spiritual essence.  We are part of a bigger Mind, that is the source of wisdom, love, and creativity. Our day to day thoughts and feelings, simply obscure this truth.  That is of course the cliff notes version :-)

It was from those insights on, my life transformed forever.  It has never gone back to the way it was before.  Sure, I still have insecure thinking, and fearful thinking, and anxious thinking; but none of that matters anymore, because I don't identify with those feelings as me.  That is the difference that makes the difference.  As you uncover more and more of who you really are.  All of that old thinking either falls away, or becomes largely irrelevant.

I'd been searching for something my entire life that would fix me... and come to find out it was all a big mis-understanding.  I just didn't know who I was.  I had identified with a false self known as the ego.  We all have an ego thought system.  Thoughts of insecurity, and depressions, and loneliness, and fear. Thoughts that feel very real. Those thoughts simply aren't the truth of who we are.  You don't have to get rid of them, you simply have to be willing to wake up to who you really are, and the rest will take care of itself.

As I have worked with more and more people sharing my understanding of this, I've come to see that pretty much every problem we deal with in this world is rooted in a case of mistaken identity.  We are not our thoughts about ourselves.  We are much more beautiful and loving and peaceful than that.  We have simply forgotten because we live in a world that distracts us from the truth.

If you are interested in Transforming your life in a similar way, then reach out to me.  It would be my joy and privilege to have a transformative conversation with you... and point you toward the truth of who you are. Contact me today to learn more.

Love and Light,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyler, 3 words came to my mind listening to your videos, story and articles - Simplicity Honesty and Beauty - I am sure more words can be added to that like Awesome... :-). It is truly transformative.


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