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Oct 24, 2011

The Sea Of Cubicles

"Miracles are shifts in perception"
-A Course In Miracles

Several days ago, I was speaking with one of my clients and he was describing to me what it was like working at a company where the main offices consist of a huge sea of cubicles.  He shared with me that when shorter people walked through the halls of the cubicles, all they would see is walls, and it was like an endless maze that was very difficult to navigate without assistance.  He said that he was personally at just the right height so that when walked, on the low point of his stride he would see nothing but walls, but on the high point, he could see above the entire maze; describing it to me as though he was seeing a whole new world.  When he took the time to look around on the high point of his step, he could see across the entire sea of cubicles, and it became infinitely easier to navigate his way through them.  He could see where he wanted to go, and he could choose any number of routes that were to his liking to get there.  There was no panic or urgency either, because the simple ability to see the truth, was enough to put him at ease.

For my client, all it took was a slight shift in perception for his entire experience to change.  I recognized this phenomenon right away, because it is eerily similar to the stages that I see people go through in my work as a Transformative Coach.  

At the first level there are people who are just plain lost, and they are completely unwilling to admit it or ask for assistance, so they just wander around their lives aimlessly, hoping they find what it is that they are looking for.  

On another level, there are people who are still pretty lost, but are willing to stop and ask for support or directions, and if they ask the right person they can, with some effort and struggle, navigate their way through the maze of life.  

Then there is the third level, where something happens to the individual to facilitate a shift in perception.  Perhaps, they read a book that inspires them, or work with a coach to guide them, or maybe it's as simple as putting on a slightly taller pair of shoes that day.  Whatever the cause, that ever so slight growth, can create an enormous shift in perception.  They find themselves with altitude, seeing more clearly, and navigating what used to be a maze, which now appears to be just a path of their choosing  

This is what transformation looks like.  It can be very subtle at first, with nothing appearing to change on the outside, all the while, everything is different with our internal experience.  Over time, this internal shift begins to be reflected in the world around us as people, places and things begin to shift and change and rearrange.  

Let me share with you some of the principles that I've found give people that little boost that allows them to see and experience the world in an all new creative and empowering way!  If you don't want to change your life for good, I suggest you stop reading now.

Transformative Coaching Principles
  1. There is nothing you need to do, be, have, or change, in order to be happy and experience well-being.
  2. 100% of your experience of life is being created through the way that you think about it.
  3. Unkind words and actions are NEVER EVER personal.
  4. The essence of who you are is Love.
  5. Real Love bears no grievances.
  6. You are not your story, character, persona, actions, or body.
  7. Forgiveness is always appropriate.
  8. Holding grudges is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.
  9. There is no point in arguing about matters of personal taste, and you'll find that almost everything is a matter of personal taste.
  10. Suffering is always a result of arguing with what is and mistaking your miserable thoughts for reality.
  11. You will always tend to see, whatever it is you are looking for, so start looking for good stuff.
  12. Listen for, trust, and follow your inner wisdom. 
And finally let me end with one of the most beautiful things I've ever read from Michael Neill, in his brilliant book SuperCoach.  
"You have a wisdom inside you - listen for it, and give it voice.  You have a light inside you - feel it's glow, and let it shine.  You have the power to speak and act and make things manifest in the world, let your wisdom and light guide you as you do." 
If you are interested in making these kinds of shifts and taking these principles on in your own life, then please go to my contact page and get in touch with me to set up a complimentary coaching session.  It is my life's passion and work to facilitate people seeing the world with new eyes, and in turn having their outer worlds transform.

Until next time

Love and Light,
Coach Ty

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