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May 31, 2011

Play Time Anybody?

“Now and then, it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”
            -Guillaume Apollinaire-

I remember when I was a young boy and it didn't matter where I was, who I was with, or what I was doing, it was play time, pretty much all hours of the day.  The small portion of the day that I wasn't playing, I was getting my physical needs met(food, clothing changed, diaper changed, or sleep), and then it was back to play.  I am reminded of this natural love of play when I watch my 3 year old nephew go from one game, to the next, sometimes playing with toys, and sometimes without. 

Then of course we get older and our ability to follow the directions of the big people around us increase.  We are told to behave, sit still, be quiet, settle down, and act appropriately.  I have a sneaky suspicion that this is because the outward expression of joy in a child is uncomfortable for many adults who have to be reminded that they don't play like that anymore.  So the kids continue to be told, and most listen, learning to eventually cover up that innate playfulness.

The bad news is, most of us big people, don't play much.  The good news is, that desire and capacity for play hasn't gone anywhere, it's just been pushed down.  Imagine a big blown up beach ball, and you have been trying to push it under water for years because that's just what you are 'supposed' to do.  Every once in a while your hand slips and the ball of course naturally comes bursting back above the surface of the water.  Well, that ball is just like your joy for life, your playful spirit, and your well-being, the moment you stop fighting so hard to keep it down, it just bubbles right back up to the surface of your experience.

Now, it may feel a little weird at first when you aren't fighting so hard to keep your essence in check like most of us have learned to do since very early.  Don't let the weirdness fool you into thinking that it's unnatural to play your heart out, it's simply unfamiliar, like anything you're not used to experiencing on a regular basis.

I'm guessing there are some of you going 'why do I need to play more?'  If that's you, let me just say that nobody has to play any more then they are currently playing.  Nobody needs to experience any more joy or well-being than they are currently experiencing.  I'm merely suggesting, the possibility of being playful is always there, it's simply a matter of access and choice.

So, why play more?  That is a fantastic question.  Remember you are under no obligation to have more fun in your life, but if you do decide to crank up the play, here's how it might make your life more wonderful:  (These bullet points are adapted from Michael Neill's brilliant book, Feel Happy Now!)
  1. Play feels good!  At the risk of stating the obvious, when you play like you did when you were a child, it's fun and there is usually a pleasurable feeling in the body that goes with it.
  2. Play makes you healthier.  Without getting into too much detail about the bio-chemistry of the body, the chemicals released when you are joyful and playful, beef up your immune system.  Not to mention if your play involves some sort of exercise.
  3. Play makes you smarter.  If you've ever been stuck trying to solve a problem for several hours, and then you decide to take a break and do something fun like dance, shoot some hoops, or watch a funny movie, and then you come back and easily solve your problem, then you know what I'm talking about
  4. Finally, Play makes you more successful.  This one may be less obvious, but the creativity, ease, and clarity of thought that comes with the joy of playing, naturally results in successful communication, connection, and decision making.  Some people talk about this as a flow experience. 

If you still need more convincing, you may not be ready to let play back into your life.  On the other had, if you are ready, it's amazingly simple.  Here are a few tips to access your playful side.
  • Make a list of things that you would consider play and then pick one that you haven't done in a while and do it.
  • Identify the top 3 most playful people in your life.  Schedule interviews with all of them and ask them how they access their play and joy.
  • Hang out with the most fun people you can find
  • Imagine a time when you had an amazing time playing for the pure joy of it.  Step back into that memory fully so that you are looking through your own eyes, seeing what you saw at the time, hearing what you heard, and feeling what you felt in your body.  Turn up the intensity of the memory with your handy intensity knob(mines in the upper left corner of my mind).  Practice bringing the energy of play with you as you open your eyes and come back from the memory.
  • Remind yourself to play by posting it everywhere(in your car, on your fridge, your bathroom mirror, etc.)

Now, all that's left to do is play.  Ready.... 1, 2, 3, GO!

Love and Light,

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