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Feb 26, 2011

Hello World

“Don’t ask what the world needs–ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
     -Howard Thurman- 

Seeing as how this is my very first blog post , I figured I would write a little bit about life.  I know it's a little bit specific for a first entry but I'm going to give it a go.

So we are here on this planet that we call Earth, right? We call ourselves human beings of course.  Our time here in the physical plane seems to have a definite beginning, and a definite end, doesn't it?  When our hearts stop beating for more than several minutes, the game is over.  Then there is this period of time between the beginning and end that we call life.  On gravestones it is represented by a simple dash "-".  

I would like to point out some additional details before I move on.  We seem to be born with nothing except for this community of over a trillion cells that we call a body.  In addition, it appears as though when the game is over, we don't get to take anything with us, including the body.  So given these details, I want to pose a few of the biggest most important questions that have been popping up throughout history;

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

What are we supposed to do while we are here (the dash)?

What happens to us when our body dies?

Now, I don't know the universal truths to any of these questions, but I have spent the last 4 years or so of my life asking myself these, and similar questions.  The answers I make up for myself based on the experiential evidence I've collected, have a rather large impact on what my dash"-" will represent when my heart stops, hopefully some years down the road.

Let's pretend for a moment that nobody actually knows the cosmic truth to these questions.  Then we would have to pretend that all of us are making up the answers to these questions.  In other words, whatever answers we've come up with, make up a story, created by us, told by us, and believed by us.  So if that were to be the case, then why not choose a story that allows you to live the most wonderful life you can possibly imagine.  A story of love, peace, joy, wonder, and possibility!  Because I'm guessing the story of circumstance, victim-hood, suffering, and struggle hasn't been serving your highest values and intentions. And it certainly isn't making your dash"-" any prettier.

Now, I would love to pose a different question, one that invites that new story in...

What would you love to make your life about?

When the game is coming to a close, what is it you want to have that dash"-" between the two dates of destiny represent?

I want you to consider what is really important to YOU!  Not in some cosmic sense, and not what's important to everybody around you; but what is important to YOU?  And finally go make your life about that. And once you have, I invite you to be surprised  and delighted at how everything in your life begins to change for the better!

Love and Light,


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