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Mar 14, 2014

Problems vs Logistics

"Life is a contact sport!"
-Sydney Banks

As a professional coach, most of the people I work with, initially have a laundry list of problems in their life that they think need fixing in order for them to have a more wonderful life.

People come to me with money issues, relationship issues, health issues and anything else you can think of.  They think those are all "problems", but there is actually two different things occurring simultaneously that we think are the same thing.

First, there are Logistics.

Logistics = Physical Circumstances = Life outside of our heads

Things happen in the world.  People we love die, children get sick, car accidents happen, parents get divorced, money is lost, volcanoes erupt, and weather can destroy entire cities. However, none of these things are problems. They are simply circumstances.  They are logistics.  Life just is. I'm not saying don't do anything to change circumstances, but the nature of circumstance is change regardless of whether you have a hand in them changing or not.

The second thing going on is Thought. If you've explored any of my other work, you know I talk extensively about the thought feeling connection.  Our entire experience of life is being created from the inside out via the three principles of mind, consciousness, and thought.  In other words, we feel our thinking, not our circumstances.

Please enjoy the video blog associated with this article here:

Problems then are really just unpleasant thoughts and feelings that we have about our circumstances or the world.  That's it, that is all a problem  is.

In other words, we don't experience what happens to us, we experience what we think.
Thought = Feeling

The truth is, every single human being on the planet has a set of circumstances and those circumstances will continue to change no matter what.  But there are no inherently good feeling circumstances, and there are no inherently bad feeling circumstances.  There are no right and wrong circumstances.  Those are judgments, and a judgment is simply a particular kind of thought form.

Problems don't exist until we think! 

I think the next logical question would be, who gives a rip? Why does any of this matter?

Well, it matters because if you look around and think your life is full of problems in the outside world, you are going to go about trying to solve your problems in the world of form.  That's great except, problems don't exist in the world of form. They can't be solved by looking where they are not.  In other words, if the source of any problem is thought, then the answer is something to do with new thought.  If the answer to circumstances is logistics then look to logistics.

Attempting to "solve" our problems through changing our circumstances, is a lot like hunting dragons.

Imagine your job in life was to go slay all of the dragons in the kingdom.  It was commonly known that defeating all of the dragons was the key to having a wonderful life in this particular kingdom(Even though, nobody had ever actually accomplished it). You would probably pick out your weapon of choice, put some armor on, psyche yourself up a bit, and go out there and hunt and destroy. Over time you would learn all sorts of dragon hunting strategies, and you'd study their tendencies, and you'd hope to get better and better at slaying dragons.

But over time you noticed that dragon behaviors were very erratic, unpredictable, and random.  You also start to observe that for each dragon you successfully slay, another one is there to take it's place.  You begin to question whether you have really killed any dragons at all.  You get discouraged because there seems to be a never ending stream of dangerous fire breathing dragons. But each day, you keep putting one foot in front of the other because everyone knows you can't be happy until all of the dragons are gone... right!?

Now imagine that you wake up one day, and realize categorically and absolutely that there never was any dragons.  They were only ever an illusion, and your true nature was actually happiness the entire time, you just didn't notice because you were so busy hunting dragons.

We human beings think, and then we feel our thinking, and then it comes alive in our consciousness.  We project thought out onto the world, and our thoughts begin to look very significant, very important, and very real.  When our thinking looks real to us, we lose sight of the truth of who we are; beautiful spiritual beings with unlimited creative potential.  And when we lose sight of the truth behind the human experience...  we go dragon hunting.

You see, instead of projecting dragon thoughts onto the world, we project our own personal problem thoughts onto the world. We see things happen and then think "that's not okay... that's not right... that's wrong... evil... immoral...mean spirited... inconsiderate... disrespectful...harsh... cruel!"    But all of those things are an illusion of our own thinking coming to life behind our very eyes.  It's all thought.

If you know that a problem is simply the shadow of a thought, you aren't going to exhaust yourself fighting something that isn't there.  You won't make your life about righting a wrong, or fighting an injustice... because those are just more dragons.  All of that energy can be redirected toward creating from a place of love and peace.

People inevitably get to this point and say, well, if we aren't actively looking for problems with the world and trying to solve them, won't the world essentially become a terrible place?  

The answer is no and I'll tell you why.  When people are not spending the majority of their time up the their heads worrying, and fretting, and problem solving, and putting out fires, and analyzing, and judging(All Thought!) we begin to sink back into our spirits.  We get back in touch with our own innate well-being that is always shining even behind the clouds of our thinking.  Our creativity, and wisdom, and natural connection with other human beings springs to the surface, and we begin to naturally engage in activities that are life sustaining.  You will do things simply because it occurs to you to do them... because your wisdom nudged you in a direction.

Your life will not fall apart when you stop trying to solve all of your personal problems and the problems of the world.  You will engage with life from a place of wholeness and well-being that you never thought possible.  Your particular set of circumstances will look like nothing more than logistics.  Not good or bad, right or wrong, should or shouldn't...    just logistics.  And as thoughts arise under the disguise of problems, you will simply allow them to come and go, just as you would a passing storm. Your life will truly be, problem free.

With all my love and light,

Coach Ty

P.S. If you enjoyed this article, don't forget to check out a host of other Transformative videos and articles on my site.  If you are interested in coaching with me send me an email at and we'll set up a consultation.

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