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Nov 11, 2012

Foundations of Truth

Right now, through December, I have a SMOKIN' deal on my 1 on 1 Coaching for over 65% off of my normal rate. That's only $50 per session and I usually charge $150. Contact me to learn more! 

Receive my new Audio Recording Transformation From The Inside Out for FREE by recommending me on Facebook or Twitter. Click Here to learn more.

"As people go the way of life, many people stumble upon great truth! Unfortunately, most simply pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and hurry along as if nothing happened" 
- Winston Churchill

Life as a human being is a wild and wonderful ride. We can be basking in the glory of success in one moment, and dashed on the rocks in the next.  One of the questions I've begun to ask myself and my clients is, what is it that allows us to weather the storms of circumstance that inevitably come as we go the way of life? 

How is it that most of us seem to be tossed around and battered by our personal storms, and a few people, seem to stand as beacons of light, brilliantly bright, and largely unaffected by whatever life throws at them? 

You know the ones I'm talking about. Those people, who, no matter what seems to be going on in their lives just don't seem to be overly concerned. They still experience sadness and grief and fear, but they seem to stand in certainty of the impermanence of it all; often times, the gravest of "circumstances" eliciting little more than a shoulder shrug.

These are the Syd Banks', Byron Katies', and Victor Frankle's of the world.

Who are these people? Are they special? Do they have something in them that nobody else does? Are they creatures from another planet?

It turns out, these are regular people, just like you and me. They come from all walks of life and all professions.  The form doesn't matter.  They all have one thing in common however, which is that they are all great purveyors of TRUTH. They stand fast in the face of ever changing tides and say "This is true for everybody in all circumstances." They have an understanding about the nature of life and thought that leaves them unshakable.

Most people's emotional lives are so volatile because they have built their lives on shifting sands.  They are NOT rooted in truth.  We build our lives on top of relationships without acknowledging that the form of relationships will always change.  We build our lives on top of jobs and professions, but sooner or later, the form of that Job will change. Many people try to build on top of wealth, not realizing that even millions of dollars can be taken away in any moment. We also build our lives on top of the physical health of our bodies, in denial of the fact that these same bodies will stop working some day.

None of these FOUNDATIONS are centered in truth, and so as long as our grounding lies in these impermanent circumstances, our emotional lives that we've worked so hard to fortify, will eventually come crashing down.

Once you have truly seen this, then the natural inclination is to ask the question, "how do I lay an unshakable foundation?  A foundation of Truth like those spiritual leaders of the past and present?" 

Well, let me preface by saying that my Foundation has gotten much sturdier over time, and... I still get rocked every once in a while. Given that, I'll share with you the best strategy I know to begin to center your life in Truths that will give you comfort in the midst of the nastiest of storms

The strategy is simple: Begin to look in the direction of theTruth about life and human experience.

As the Winston Churchill quote at the beginning would suggest, you can stumble upon truth from time to time, which seems to be the case for some of the 'purveyors of truth' I mentioned earlier.  However, you might miss the truth if you aren't looking for it.  So, you can absolutely begin to build the foundation by looking in the direction of what's true. 

Now, as you engage in this inquiry into what's true about life and the human experience, the Truth's that seem to lead to the strongest foundations, are truths about the infinite and the formless. Look to the source of all human experience. Look to the source of your well-being.

Syd Banks once said "If you can discover one spiritual Fact, it will transform your life forever." 

I don't want to steer you too much here, because your journey toward the truth will be your own, and that's perfect. However, if you are looking to find stability in the world of the finite, the world of bodies, or the world of stuff; then your search will be in vain.

I would start with a question like, "What do I know to be True regardless of circumstances?" or "What do I know to be true for everybody about the human experience?" Live in the unknown as I talked about in last weeks article. And most importantly, have fun with it.  This is a quest that will yield answers worth building your life on. 

Be patient and gentle with yourself on this journey.  Just like the caterpillar can't rush the great transformation into a butterfly, you can't rush your seeing the truth.  You will see it when you see it.

Imagine living a life where you know without question that the essence of who you are is and always will be, untouched and unshakable by circumstances. Let me tell you, life gets really gentle, really quick.

Stay tuned for next week where I will actually share with you what I have personally seen to be true about life and the human experience. It might just be a great way to kick start your own inquiry into building a Foundation of Truth!

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes to ponder. 

"…I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."
-Rainer Maria Rilke, 1903, in Letters to a Young Poet

Until Next Week, remember, your most fundamental nature is LOVE,
Coach Ty

P.S. Remember to check out my new Audio Recording Transformation From The Inside Out for FREE by recommending me on Facebook or Twitter. Click Here to learn more.

Right now, through December, I have a SMOKIN' deal on my 1 on 1 Coaching for over 60% off of my normal rate. That's only $50 per session and I usually charge $150. Contact me to learn more!

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