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May 2, 2011

What Would Love Say?

"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”
 - Rainer Maria Rilke

        One of the most powerful realizations I have had in my life is that when I am having the experience of being stuck, it is almost certainly because I am living life from the answers.  In other words I am approaching my life from a closed off state of already knowing everything.  Conversely, when I am experiencing flow and well-being, it's a pretty safe bet that I am 'living the questions', as Rilke so elegantly states in the quote above. I am coming from a place of genuine curiosity and I ask myself powerful questions throughout the day.

For the last several days I have been asking myself some variation of the question "What would love say?", and I'd like to share with you some of the things that came up.  Now before I go any further, none of what I say here is the truth or correct in any sort of cosmic sense;  all I'm sharing is the answers that I got from asking my inner guidance this powerful question.  If you experiment with asking yourself powerful questions, which I highly recommend, you may get very different answers to those that I get, and that's great.  Know that your own wisdom will have messages that are relevant for you in the moment, nothing is either right or wrong here. The question is, is it useful, and is it uplifting?

Now, just to clarify, when I ask to see through the eyes of love, I'm speaking of an unconditional loving energy that is much different than western cultures' relatively limited view of romantic love.

Alright, so what did love have to say to me?  Here are a few of the insights I got from that still, small voice within.

Love would say 'You are that which you have been looking for'
Love would say 'Your essential self is love'
Love would say 'Love is real, fear is an illusion'
Love would say 'We all have the capacity to come from love in any moment'
Love would say 'Love bears no grievances under any circumstance'
Love would say 'You are much more than just your body'
Love would say 'You are not your thoughts'
Love would say 'When you love others, you love yourself'
Love would say 'You can never fight your way to a peaceful resolution'
Love would say 'You are not what you do'
Love would say 'Forgive everyone and everything. and forgiveness is simply seeing others for who they really are'
Love would say 'We are all connected, and that separateness is an illusion'
Love would say 'Anything other than love such as anger and fear, is simply a call for more love.  And remember, you can love someone from a distance'
Love would say 'Peace, Love, and Joy are your birthright'
Love would say 'We are all divine beings of light'
Love would say 'When you are arguing or fighting with someone else, you are only fighting yourself'
Love would say 'There are no violent people only violent actions'
Love would say 'When someone behaves in a way that is unloving or unkind, they have simply forgotten who they really are in that moment.'
Love would say 'If you want to have a more wonderful experience of life, practice loving yourself, and taking really good care of yourself.  Your own well-being is the best gift you could ever give to someone else, even if they don't realize that.'
Love would say 'Any emotional hurt I feel inside will pass just like the clouds in the sky to reveal the sun'
Love would say 'Everyone is doing the best they know how given their current level of understanding'
Love would say 'There is nothing you need to be, do, have, or change in order to be happy'
Love would say that 'Love is formless, so don't worry so much about how it shows up'

For me this is a useful exercise in both asking powerful questions, and tapping in to your own wisdom and intuition.  What will your question be?  Love is a powerful word for me that includes essence, spirit, and wisdom.  For you, it may be something very different.

This Weeks Experiment:

  1. Think of some state of being that you want to show up more as
  2. Fashion a question around it, such as 'What would _____ Say, See, or Do.  
  3. Be sure to get quiet within, do some gentle deep breathing.
  4. Ask the question.
  5. Listen for an answer.  

Just for fun as a side experiment, see if you can separate out the answers you get from your head, and those that seem to come from a deeper, wiser place.

Until next time, get curious, be who you really are, and have a wonderful experience of life!

Love and Light,

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